The weather here is starting to clear up so I was able to get the Nexstar 4SE out and got a little imaging time in over the past few days. I’m still getting the hang of computerized telescopes so there are some things I need to learn to get better results for planets and other objects, but for now, it works rather well for the moon.
Below are two separate images that were taken 5 days apart. The one on the left was taken a few hours after sunset, and the one on the right was taken just before sunrise today, October 1st. Both were cropped and edited for contrast, highlights, shadows, color tint etc using Adobe Lightroom Mobile.
In the future, I plan on getting some filters, and a Barlow lens, which will enable closer views of the lunar craters as well as the planets and other objects in the night sky. I’m also keeping an eye out for International Space Station lunar transit sighting opportunities. This occurs when the orbital path of the ISS lines up with the position of the moon for a given location. I managed to capture it once back on March 1st of this year, a video of this can be found on the Youtube Channel.
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